Monday, January 9, 2012

Kite Runner part 1

For my Outside Reading Book, I chose to read The Kite Runner by Khaled Hosseini because my pal Keith "Stone" Poole suggested it. Good read, little graphic at points but overall, good read.
Chapters 1-7
You are introduced to the narrator, Amir, who grew up in Afghanistan but is now in San Francisco. His old friend calls him from Pakistan, asking him to visit. After the phone call, Amir is reminded of his old friend Hassan with the cleft lip. As kids Amir and Hassan were little rascals, causing mischief all the time. Mostly all of their ideas came from Amir. If things ever went downhill, Hassan would bite the bullet and be the good dude he is and not blame his buddy, Amir. Hassan's father, Ali, was the servant to Amir's father, Baba. Neither men were longer married. Amir feels like he is to blame for his mother's death during birth. Baba feels that Amir may be too dependent and he will not make it when he becomes an adult. The story makes a bounce back to Baba's birth. Two men operating under the influence struck and killed his parents, and Ali's grandfather takes in Baba as his own. Amir creates his own short story when they flashforward to present time. The man in Amir's story turned his tears to pearls. Amir reads his story to Rahim Khan and Hassan, both are thoroughly impressed with the boys writing skills. Guns were fired during night and Amir, Ali, and Hassan hide til morning. Amir and Hassan are taking a little stroll when out of no where a rock hits Hassan. It was the neighborhood bullies, but luckily Hassan has his slingshot and they're able to escape. For Hassan's birthday gift, he gets his cleft lip fixed. Schools for the boys close during the winter time. The Kite Running tournament is explained. Hassan seems to be the best runner in town. Amir wins the kite running tournament. He and Hassan do a quick celey before Baba motions for them to celebrate. Hassan is being chased by the bullies again while he is looking for the kite. The bullies raped Hassan, who walks home after Amir watches this awful act by the bullies. Hassan walks home bloody and crying.

Kite Runner Part 2

Chapters 8-13
Hassan and Amir don't hangout as much after the rape. Baba plans a trip for he and Amir. Amir can not sleep at night at his families house. He is still horrified of what he witnessed. Amir refuses to read to Hassan and tells him to leave him alone. Amir wants a new servant but Baba becomes upset when Amir suggests it. Baba balls out for Amir's 13th birthday and invites 400 people. Assef shows up and Amir is awkwardly uncomfortable. He gives Amir a biography on Hitler. Hassan is serving drinks to Assef and his right hand man Wali. Ali gives Amir a gift, a book. The book Amir will read to Hassan. Amir frames Hassan for stealing his watch and money which Hassan catches him doing so but admits to stealing so Ali will make them go. Amir and Baba are riding in back of a truck that gets stopped by Russians. One Russian officer says the only way they may pass is by letting him have half an hour with one of the women in the truck, but Baba won't stand for that. Amir and Baba meet Kamal and his father. Kamal was a local bully but was raped, Kamal no longer speaks after his rape. Kamal stops breathing and Karim attacks Karim for screaming. Kamal's father gets ahold of the gun and ends himself. Story bumps up to their days in the states. Amir is about to finish school and go to college. They have to wait for their visas to go to the U.S. Amir and Baba meet General Taheri and his daughter. Amir was getting together with Soraya without the General knowing. Baba falls ill with lung cancer but will not let Amir tell anyone about it. Baba collapses once the cancer reaches his brain. Amir asks a favor of Baba, a very big favor. He asks Baba to ask for Soraya's hand in marriage. Soraya informs Amir of her scandalous past where she ran away with an Afghan soldier. Baba and Amir go to the Taheri's house to arrange a wedding date and get all the necessities. Baba drops close to $35,000 on Amir. Shortly after the wedding, Baba passes away. Amir learns of the Taheri family past after their wedding. Amir completes two novels and with the money, they purchase a house. The newlyweds are unable to have a child.

Wednesday, December 21, 2011

Quotes and Notes

quotes and notes
Chapter 15
"So I laid around in bed for a while and smoked cigarettes."
Note: Bro, you just got your ass kicked by a pimp and his lady. Don't go moping around like nothing happened, rebound pal. Don't get me wrong, nothings wrong with just chillin in bed. But, don't smoke butts, they're for toilets.

Chapter 16
"It didn't seem like Christmas was coming soon."
Thats how i feel right now. I'm no Scrooge but it doesn't feel like the holiday season. Happy holidays Y'all.

Monday, December 12, 2011


In April the family and I are going to Jamaica for Larry's retirement. Its gonna be wild. Me, Matthew, and Markus are sharing a room. I'm gonna miss two days of school. We're gonna be there for i think six days and 5 nights.

Friday, November 18, 2011


In the chapter Ambush, O'briens daughter asked him if he killed anyone. O'Brien naded someone. Blew his sandals off his feet. Dead

Quick Write

Quickwrite was what would i do with 1 million dollars. I would save money for college, buy a new truck, jetski, new snowboard, Fathead of Mike Ditka, Mike Ditka's suits, going to Vegas with 50 G's and having a wild time. Maybe buy some jerseys. I dont even know, it would be too crazy

Saturday, November 12, 2011

Where Men Win Glory

Where Men Win Glory by Jon Krakauer is a well-written book about the death of Pat Tillman and the research on the cases of lies on Pats death. Tillman, a former NFL star joined the Army Rangers along side his brother, Kevin. The two brothers joined the Rangers after the 9/11 attacks. They felt it was their American duty to fight for country and what they stand for. Pat joining the military gave President Bush an advantage on promoting military services. He used Pat as an American icon. Tillman and his brother were deployed only a few months after Pat married his high school sweetheart. It was a tough choice for the two brothers, a choice that they would soon regret. Pat was an outstanding defensive back in the NFL and Kevin was a minor league baseball player. Pat had more of a promising career, but what was keeping them from joining was their family and friends. After long discussion the two joined. Pat Tillman was killed by friendly fire on April 22nd, 2004. The devastating blow to the Tillman family was soon to be another American icon using Tillman. Bush used Pat as an American hero.  Tillman did not want to be an American icon; he wanted to be an everyday soldier. When the family was notified of his death, they were lied to. And when they figured out there were loose ends that did not meet with the information, they were lied to again. The government covered up their corrupt mistake. Pat Tillman died for the wrong reason he didn’t deserve to die. The orders of Tillman’s killers were to fire among the hills Tillman and a few men were in. Krakauer went in depth with his research he found, trying to prove to the reader of the corrupt place we live. If our government can’t be trusted, who can be? Krakauer’s book is a well written story that I would highly suggest to anyone.