Wednesday, December 21, 2011

Quotes and Notes

quotes and notes
Chapter 15
"So I laid around in bed for a while and smoked cigarettes."
Note: Bro, you just got your ass kicked by a pimp and his lady. Don't go moping around like nothing happened, rebound pal. Don't get me wrong, nothings wrong with just chillin in bed. But, don't smoke butts, they're for toilets.

Chapter 16
"It didn't seem like Christmas was coming soon."
Thats how i feel right now. I'm no Scrooge but it doesn't feel like the holiday season. Happy holidays Y'all.

Monday, December 12, 2011


In April the family and I are going to Jamaica for Larry's retirement. Its gonna be wild. Me, Matthew, and Markus are sharing a room. I'm gonna miss two days of school. We're gonna be there for i think six days and 5 nights.